Drug and alcohol detox & rehabilitation at Oxygen
If you or someone you care for is suffering from a drug and/ or alcohol addiction, seeking help is a difficult but rewarding first step on the road to recovery and rehabilitation.
At Oxygen Detox and Oxygen Recovery we offer a treatment pathway which aims to meet the needs of clients suffering from substance misuse issues. The pathway is able to offer clients two years of supported recovery, including; Residential Detox, Residential Rehabilitation, Second Stage Recovery, Third Stage Recovery and Sober Living. We recognise that needs differ, and as such our programme is flexible and client led. Clients can enter our services at any point of their treatment journey. If a client relapses they can move back a stage rather than having to restart the pathway.
The long-term goal of any substance misuse rehabilitation treatment is to help the client achieve successful recovery and re-integration into a normal life, free of substance misuse . The chances of such success are improved by offering a flexible yet comprehensive treatment service.
Our pathway is integrative and holistic. We have developed a programme of therapeutic interventions and approaches that aim to improve both the body and mind. To give our clients the strongest chance of recovery, it is essential that we help build their health and well-being.
The environment at all Oxygen services is calm and welcoming. We encourage and support residents to take responsibility for themselves and their peers, growing and nurturing a supportive peer network. We believe it is essential for individuals to develop the skills and confidence needed to enable them to reintegrate into the community. We work with a number of agencies and local businesses to provide a reintegration pathway from volunteering to paid work.
Oxygen services are confidential. We will not publish the names of any of our clients, whether they have completed the programme or are currently still on their recovery journey.
We are situated in Hertfordshire, with excellent links to the M1, M25, London via train, and International Airports (Luton, Heathrow and Stansted).
If you have any questions about Oxygen Detox, Oxygen Recovery - or any of our supported housing services - or if you require pricing information, please give us a call or use the contact form below.
We know that finding the right detox and rehabilitation facility is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why we're here to talk through your needs or concerns.
Get in touch
Oxygen Recovery: oxygenrecovery@druglink.ltd.uk
01442 275 880
Oxygen Detox:
01442 800 933
Oxygen Recovery
London Road
Hemel Hempstead
winners of the most innovaTive care team in the 2018 hertfordshire care awards
Find out more about the Award
finalist in the
UK Housing Awards 2017
category: An outstanding approach to meeting specialist housing needs
“It’s not just given me my life back - Oxygen has given me a whole new life – a life I never had before. Oxygen has literally saved my life.”