Residential detox and rehabilitation

Copy of Pathway

Two year residential recovery pathway

Oxygen offers an integrative & holistic treatment pathway. There are four stages to recovery within the Oxygen pathway, offering up to two years of supported accommodation. The pathway is designed to be flexible and tailored to individual needs. The entire pathway is completed with a single organisation which helps prevent clients from ‘falling through the gaps’ when transferring between multiple providers. This continuity also gives clients the best platform on which to build healthy, positive and mutually supportive peer relationships. 

First Stage Recovery

Residential Detox and rehabilitation - up to 12 weeks

Residential Detox and Rehabilitation at Oxygen is tailored to meet individual needs. Upon arrival, residents will be assessed by a specialist doctor. The doctor will prescribe a medically assisted detox programme, ranging from two weeks (alcohol dependent) to three months (opiate/ benzodiazepines/ stimulants/ poly drug and alcohol dependant). 

Residential rehab provides a structured programme of therapeutic interventions and key approaches such as Group Work, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Motivational Interviewing, Solution Focussed Therapy and Complimentary Therapies. Counselling is also provided to help with specific issues such as bereavement, abuse and co-dependency. Typically, this stage of treatment lasts up to 12 weeks (Detox time included). A member of staff is present 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, ensuring that support is always on hand.

Oxygen Frontage.jpg

Our First Stage Recovery house is a nine-bed rehabilitation facility, with a courtyard back garden and overlooked by an eighteenth century church. Each room is for the sole use of the client and includes a flat-screen TV, a bed, wardrobe drawers and a sink/vanity unit area. Clients are welcome to bring some personal belongings on admittance to help them feel more at home. There is a modern shared kitchen and a spacious dining room for mealtimes, written work and art therapy. We have a group room for structured groups and a living room for watching TV and socialising. Some of the more therapeutic groups are also held in the lounge. The overall building has a homely feel which contributes to the peer-supported and therapeutic community that we operate. 

Supported Housing

Supported housing is available for those who would like a ‘fresh start’ in the local area. Oxygen has access to short or longer term accommodation and our Floating Support Team will assist residents in resettling into their new home, and the wider community.




The long-term goal of any substance misuse rehabilitation treatment is to help the client achieve successful recovery and re-integration into a normal life, free of substance misuse . The chances of such success are improved by offering a flexible yet comprehensive treatment service.

Residential Move On

Oxygen residential ‘move on’ is delivered via ‘Quasi’ living. Residents will engage in a tailored programme of on-going support combining Group Work, Voluntary Work, ETE (education, training and employment), Mutual Aid and other opportunities designed to help build recovery. Residents are encouraged and supported to take responsibility for themselves and their peers, growing and nurturing a supportive network ready for reintegration into the community.

Our two year pathway accommodation

Oxygen stage one – 12 weeks

A nine-bed rehabilitation facility, with a courtyard back garden and overlooked by an eighteenth century church. Each room is for the sole use of the client and includes a flat-screen TV, a bed, wardrobe drawers and a sink/vanity unit area. Clients are welcome to bring some personal belongings on admittance to help them feel more at home. There is a modern shared kitchen and a spacious dining room for mealtimes, written work and art therapy. We have a group room for structured groups and a living room for watching TV and socialising. Some of the more therapeutic groups are also held in the lounge. The overall building has a homely feel which contributes to the peer-supported and therapeutic community that we operate. There is a member of staff present at Oxygen 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Oxygen stage two – 12 weeks

Oxygen Stage Two is the next step on which clients can continue along the Recovery Pathway. Located in Hemel Hempstead, the house is built on the Quasi-Living model of recovery which is the next stage from a fully supported rehabilitation service. It is is a four bedroom town house within walking distance of Oxygen Stage One. The house is fully equipped with anything a client will need to begin independent living. The residents will run the house in a similar manner to that at Stage One with cleaning rotas, house meetings and peer support. Clients will still attend groups and will have access to their key worker, but by this stage will be looking to move back into Education, Training and Employment (ETE). They will be fully supported and will have help looking at all options available to them.


oxygen Supported Housing (third stage - 18 months)

After a client’s initial six months with us we offer ongoing support for up-to the following eighteen months. As we are person-centered and we understand that people’s aspirations may change during their time with us, there are a number of housing options available. A client can choose to move to Oxygen Supported Housing in Luton, which provides shared accommodation (with single-rooms) at the ResoLUTiONs Hub where there are a lot of on-site activities to build on recovery. If a client is at the point where they wish to return to ETE they might prefer to move to Oxygen Supported Housing in Hemel Hempstead, a selection of shared flats and houses. Clients are offered floating support and a key worker who will look at helping them reintegrate into their local community. At the end of their two year pathway with us we offer further support by helping our clients source secure housing for the continuation of their journey back into independent living.